Random Shots – latest news

A lot has been happening over recent weeks in preparation for the 2020 competition season. From new match official clothing, a free First Aid course for NROI members, and reviewing our training seminars to gaining recognition of our match officials as MoD Range Conducting Officers it has been a busy old time! I’m certainly looking forward to getting back on a range!

If like me you’re still planning your matches for 2020 here are some ideas!

The Home Countries at North Cotes in April is still looking for range crew. If you’re interested in working the first shotgun championship 2020 please email Pete at psavage@drypoolps.karoo.co.uk

If you prefer your guns a bit shorter, our friends at NITSA in Northern Ireland are running an IPSC level 3 Handgun match on 15/16 May and are looking for range officers. Please note that if you want to shoot or work this match you MUST apply to our Regional Director in advance for permission as this match is outside the GB region. The Range Master is Cleland Roger and there will be a RO package including free entry to the pre-match and payment for each match day. For more information contact Neil Beckett at arbourtraining@gmail.com

Last, but not least, I plan to run another Level 2 IROA/NROI Seminar this year. If you have more than 28 match points and would like to find out more about this free two-day course get in touch with me at nroi@ukpsa.org

Lessons from the line

Striker-Fired LBPs – must drop the hammer

I recently updated you on the exemption to the normal unload procedure for .22LR long barrelled pistols. Please note that this exemption and alternative process does not apply to striker-fired pistols. These must complete the normal unload and show clear procedure including dropping the hammer. As striker-fired pistols they must be designed to be dry fired without damage to the breech face otherwise they would have to remain permanently cocked.

Hard-copy rule books available

I have the IPSC rule books on my tablet, but many people do prefer their rule books printed. You can now get a really nice spiral bound copy of any discipline for £4 each including post and packaging. To order copies contact jwilliamson@iprintds.co.uk


Free 1st Aid Training for NROI members – Sunday 29th March

There will be a one day first aid training course running at Dartford on the 29th March, for NROI members and UKPSA Trainers only. Successful participants will gain an Emergency First Aid at Work qualification valid for three years. Places are limited so to reserve your place contact David Joy ASAP at riflensd@ukpsa.org

New NROI ‘Red Jackets’

With the help of sponsor ELEY we are proud to be offering NROI members the opportunity to buy a great new jacket that will help them really stand out on the range and in all weathers! These new hi-spec jackets featuring the NROI logo and the words Match Official on the back would normally cost in excess of £70.

Developing your Institute

MoD Range Conducting Officer Accreditation

The high quality of UKPSA training for range officials and competitors has long been recognised, both by IPSC and national governing bodies but we haven’t had the processes in place to have this recognised when operating MoD ranges. I’ve been leading work with other members of the UKPSA Council to ensure all current NROI members are recognised as Range Conducting Officers in the future and from April this year we plan to issue club certificates/RCO cards to NROI members and UKPSA instructors through their affiliated clubs.

Level 1 IROA/NROI RO Seminars – get involved!

We have a new and improved level 1 seminar with additional pre-learning and content from the UKPSA to build on the excellent IROA seminar providing international standard training with additional benefits. We need to continue to build the number of active NROI members and if you know any suitable UKPSA members, please pass on the details of these free seminars and suggest they attend!

North Cotes Butts 28/29 March 2020. The instructor for this seminar will be UKPSA and IROA Range Master Martyn Spence. To book a place and find our more information contact Pete Savage at psavage@drypoolps.karoo.co.uk

Carlisle Small Arms Club 18/19 April 2020. The instructor for this seminar will be UKPSA and IROA Range Master Martyn Spence. To book a place and to find out more contact Vanessa Duffy at vduffy16@aol.com

If these are too far from your home club then we can come to you! If your club would like to host a seminar, please do get in touch with me at nroi@ukpsa.org

Level 2 IROA Seminar – expand your knowledge and build on your experience

We also plan to run another IROA/NROI level 2 seminar in 2020. You can find more information about this interesting two day seminar which explores running a portion of an IPSC match as a Chief Range Officer, alongside course design and build on the UKPSA website. If you qualify and are interested contact me at nroi@ukpsa.org

NROI Chairman

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