Following the launch of the HSE’s UK REACH – Public Consultation on Lead in Ammunition on the 10th October 2023. The UKPSA has submitted a formal response highlighting the disproportionate harm that such a prohibition would create.
See the UKPSA’s response here – HSE Lead Consultation Response
In order to add further weight to the UKPSA’s submission, it is important that we ask all our members and the wider dynamic shooting community to respond the the HSE’s consultation, particularly as it is during this phase of the process that the agency is obligated to consider the socioeconomic effects of implementing their proposals.
UKPSA members and any person who enjoys target shooting should be responding to the HSE consultation as it is highly likely that any new regulatory changes will extend beyond live game shooting and will impact all forms of shooting, affecting ammunition availability, costs and shooting practices.
A large response from the IPSC and/or dynamic shooting population will encourage the HSE to consult directly with the UKPSA on appropriate derogations to ensure the continuation of our sport. A poor response will leave us excluded from any future discussions and at the mercy of other organisations who have no interest in IPSC and/or dynamic target shooting disciplines.
We don’t disagree, we’d much rather be out shooting too!
However, it is really important we make our individual voices heard. We can’t simply copy and paste the same response or the HSE will be able to discount the responses as duplications.
To help you respond we’ve provided some guidance on how to complete the specific questions, and then some themes that you might like to consider for your own response to the final general comment section.