UKPSA Structure
The UKPSA is the governing body for practical shooting within the UK and is the recognised ‘Region’ of the world wide body, the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) in Great Britain.
The UKPSA is a charitable organisation, which is governed by its constitution. This sets out the aims and objectives of the Association, and lays down the responsibilities of the ruling Council.
A Council governs the UKPSA and meets on at least on four occasions in a year. The council is made up five annually elected positions plus others who are appointed by the elected officers. The elected positions consist of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer and a Regional Director. The latter is the UKPSA’s representative to the IPSC.
Other positions on Council include President, Vice President(s), Discipline Representatives and Membership Secretary. Plus the heads of the Training Sub Committee and National Range Officer’s Institute. The UK is divided up into several regions and each has a Regional Organiser sitting on Council.
Clubs with an interest in practical may become affiliated to the UKPSA. These are spread throughout the UK.
Affiliated clubs are approved to run matches on behalf of the UKPSA. IPSC recognise various levels of matches. All levels must fully comply with the current IPSC Rule Book. Levels 1 – 3 are held within the UK and must comply with the UKPSA Match Directors Handbook.
Level 1 | This is also known as an ungraded or club match. This level of match is open to any person, and consists of at least two stages. The course of fire does not have to be centrally approved. There must be at least one current UKPSA qualified Range Officer present. |
Level 2 | A match that is approved by the UKPSA Council and is run by an affiliated club. It is open only to current UKPSA members who have a competition licence for the practical discipline being shot. The Course of Fire must be passed by the UKPSA Course Reviewer. |
Level 3 | Also known as a Championship match in the UKPSA, it should consist of at least 12 stages. As well as being approved by the UKPSA the match is sanctioned by the IPSC President and the IPSC Course Reviewer must pass the Course of Fire. Again this match is only open to UKPSA members with a competition licence. UKPSA members may also travel abroad to participate in L3 matches with the approval of the Regional Director. |
Level 4 | These are known as Area or Continental Championships, such as the European Championships. This level of match and Courses of Fire can only be sanctioned by IPSC. These are normally held over 3 – 4 days and consist of at least 20 stages. Each Region (Country) is allocated places for the match. UKPSA members may participate with the approval of the Regional Director. |
Level 5 | This is the World Championship level of matches and are normally held on a three year cycle. These matches are again sanctioned by IPSC and consist of at least 25 stages and can be held over 4 –5 days. |
Match Officials
Due to the dynamic style of practical shooting, a duly qualified range official supervises all shooter action. This is always conducted on a one to one basis.
All range officials have to qualify by attending and passing a two day range officers course, known as a Seminar. After they qualify as a range Officer and with match experience and attendance at further seminars, they may move up the ranks to Chief Range Officer and eventually Range Master.
Range Officer (RO)
Issues range commands, oversees competitor compliance with the written stage briefing and closes monitors safe competitor action. They also declare the time, the scores and penalties achieved by each competitor.
Chief Range Officer (CRO)
The CRO is the primary authority over all persons and activities in the courses of fire under their control, and oversees the fair, correct and consistent application of the rules.
Stats Officer (SO)
The Stats officer collates, sorts and verifies all score sheets and ultimately produces provisional and final results.
Range Master (RM)
The Range Master has overall authority over all persons and activities within the entire range, including, range safety, the operation of all courses of fire and application of the rules.
Match Director (MD)
The Match Director handles overall match administration, including squadding, scheduling, range construction, plus the co-ordination of all support staff and the provision of services. The MD is often an official of the club hosting the match and does not have to hold an RO qualification.
All range officials in the UK are members of the National Range Officers Institute, (NROI) which oversees the qualification and ongoing training for it’s members. Some range officials aspire to international duties and are members of IROA and are selected to officiate at Level 3, 4 and 5 matches any where in the world.