The membership application process is effectively split into three stages:
– Stage 1: sign up on the GoMembership platform.
– Stage 2: from sign up, you will get a splash screen to actually apply for membership. If you do not do this straight away, you can access the relevant page by clicking MEMBERSHIP from the top of your screen. Most members will apply for Individual membership, click the tile, then answer the additional questions that appear at the bottom of the screen, then click the button at the bottom to go through to the checkout to pay for your membership.
– Stage 3: upload your credentials such as FAC or reference. Click on MY PROFILE from the top of the screen, then the Credentials button is the bottom of the four ’tiles’ on the left of the MY PROFILE screen. Just click the Add Credentials button and follow the prompts. You can upload more than one credential, so if you have passed a UKPSA safety course, fill in those details and upload the certificate.
Please be aware that the membership application process requires that all applications are approved by Council. That can only be done when you have paid your membership and submitted all required documents, so it is far from instantaneous!
If you are a lapsed member (membership lapsed by more than 1 year), you must reapply by completing the Renewal Form for Lapsed Members, download here as a PDF LapsedMemberForm